
ORCID: 0000-0002-6523-5471

I am a visiting scientist at Marco Schmidt’s Normativity Lab at the University of Konstanz. My current efforts are focused on conducting a comprehensive study on the role of metanormative attitudes in the evolution of human cooperation. I did my Ph.D. at the Australian National University under Professor Kim Sterelny’s supervision. My research focuses on the intersection between philosophy, psychology, and evolutionary biology. I have been a Research Student at the University of Tokyo under Professor Yushiyuki Hirono’s supervision, a Ph.D. Research Fellow at the Department of Comparative and Developmental Psychology in the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology under Professor Michael Tomasello’s supervision, a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research (KLI), and a SNSF Postdoctoral Fellow at Professor Rebekka Hufendiek’s Research Group at the University of Bern, Switzerland, working on theoretical and empirical approaches to normative disagreement.

My research has been featured in here and here. My paper “The Role of Ontogeny in the Evolution of Human Cooperation,” co-authored with Prof. Michael Tomasello, has been awarded with the Springer-Nature’s Change the World, One Article at a Time Award in the Life Sciences and Biomedicine. I also occasionally blog.

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